The stylish, minimalist Lapure consists of a windproof and water proof sun protection screen roof that rest on elegant, discreet aluminium colums. Lateral connections do not interupt the view. Lapure is anchored to an existing wall.
When the roof is closed, Lapure provides protection from the sun, wind and the rain. When the roof is open, you can enjoy the sun without the minimalist structure distrupting the view.
Product Description
- Minimalist terrace covering.
- Sun protecting screen as roof in an aluminium basic structure.
- Roof fitted with innovative, transparent, waterproof screen.
- Fixscreen ® technology
- Width in 1 part 6m (> 4m with cross beam)
- Triple coupled to 18m
- Projection up to 5m!
Water Resistance
- Rain and wind-resistant
- Optimum fabric tension
- Using Fixscreen ® technology
- Drainage via hidden channels
- No pocketing in heavy rains
- Precision custom work
- Stylish, seamless angled solutions
- Roof can be operated in winds up to 49km/h
- Construction warranty valid up to 100km/h when sun protection screen is fully rolled up
- For both residential and commercial applicants
- High level of finish and sturfiness
- Screen roof with the perfect fabric tension
- Zip technology for stable roof structure
- Panaromic view when roof is open (no lateral front beam)
- Finely tuned columns for a perfectly horizontal roof